The Door of the Year

Alison Burns wrote both the words and tune for The Door of the Year, a new wassail to be used at the turn (the “Door”) of the year.

     Here we stand at the door of the year
     We’re knocking and waiting to bring you cheer
     Christmas is past, let New Year begin
     Open the great door and let us come in

Step lightly, step lightly when you hear us knock
Step lightly, step lightly and slip back the lock

It’s silver without and golden within
Open the great door and let us come in

We’ve travelled the old year, we’ll travel the new
Open the door and let us come through

We’re knocking and waiting to bring you good cheer
Come now and open the door of the year

So, trip to the door and pull back the pin
And let all these jolly wassailers in

© Golden Hind Music