I Saw a Maiden

NOBC 109-II, p. 389. This Edgar Pettiman's (1865-1943) setting of a fifteenth century text (Sloan Manuscript, British Library 2593) using a Basque tune.

I saw a maiden sitting and sing:
She lull'd her child, a little lording
     Lullay. lullay, my dear son, my sweeting;
     Lullay, lullay, my dear son, my own dear dearing.

This very Lord, he made all things,
And this very God, the King of all kings.

There was sweet music at this child's birth,
And heaven filled with angels making much mirth.

Heaven's angels sang to welcome the child
Now born of a maid, all undefiled.

Pray we and sing on this festal day
That peace may dwell with us alway.

© Golden Hind Music